Carbohydrates “The Slow Sweet Poison”
Let’s get into the history and analyze what our ancestors used to feed on. Was there any facility of supermarkets, food markets or even refrigerators? Obviously, the answer is No, rather they used to hunt and gather food for themselves. That’s why they were called “Hunters and Gatherers”. They were dependent on animal flesh and during unsuccessful hunt, they would have eggs or berries. These berries were the only source of Carbohydrates with minimal amount of glucose in it before the era of agriculture began.
The agricultural age started 10,000 years ago but we humans as a species are much older than it. Human at that time survived purely on meat and gathering of food like eggs and berries. With such limited access to food and technology, they had much stronger built. They owned massive structure of bones and muscles, that too with a good height. But nowadays, the generation is very fragile and prone to metabolic disorders. They also are showing up with shorter height, extensively retarted growth pattern despite of having sufficient access to food, medical technology and what not.
Let me take you back in time again. You might analyze why and how all this happened. In agricultural age which started 10,000 years ago, humans explored various techniques of growing different food items. Their dependency of on home grown food increased to 90 percent. And consumption of animal food sources decreased from 90 percent to 10 percent. This even led to a huge difference in genetics like height when compared to pre- agricultural age (Paleolithic age)
I must tell you that there was a difference of about 6 inches in their height. And now just think how a human body was forced to compensate with the decline in the anatomical and physiological aspects. This was exclusive result of shifting the food sources from protein and fats rich ones to a sugar filled inferior source. A human body never needed this.
It’s a matter of fun that the above Hypothesis turned into complete fiasco. The growth of diseases and disorders like obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and a number of metabolic disorders. You will be amazed to know that America is the Leader of all the above-mentioned health issues. The food table of every house in India at present is dominated by western look. Like food from breakfast till dinner like oats, cornflakes, pancakes, chocolates, burger, pizza, cold drinks, noodles (Maggi) and many others tempting products. Today’s generation is completely relying on such sugary foods. Which leads to loss of hair, poor memory, digestive issues, behavioral changes, allergies, poor energy levels, bone and muscle pain and retarted growth patterns. Read More